La Chinantla has the third largest jungle in Mexico. Here different types of animals live, including the jaguar and the spider monkey. The population of the latter has recovered thanks to conservation efforts.
A university from Barcelona (Universidad de Girona) and the Universidad Veracruzana recorded the documentary “Super Chango” to show the efforts of the Chinantla towns for the conservation of the spider monkey.
There are two Chinantec communities that have been in charge of the conservation and protection of the spider monkey in La Chinantla jungle. Community members have become experts in locating these animals and they offer their services to observe them in their natural habitat.
Villagers have stopped hunting animals and in coordination with the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) they have dedicated themselves to conservation. Due to this effort, the population of spider monkey, wild boar, jaguars and other animals has increased.
The first community is Cerro Chango. It has an ecotouristic center that offers cabins for rent. In addition to visiting the spider monkey, you can take boat trips on the river, tours to caves, climb the lookout to see the natural beauty of the jungle and visit the community chapel built in a cave.

The second community is Soledad Vista Hermosa that is deeper in the jungle, therefore, the probability of observing the spider monkey is almost guaranteed. This community also organizes the spider monkey festival.
Photo: @regiondelAltoPapaloapan
How to get there: To get to these communities from Tuxtepec is recommended to take the 147 Palomares-Tuxtepec federal highway and pass the Tesechoacán river that divides Oaxaca and Veracruz. Take the diversion towards Río Manso. Before arriving to the community of Río Manso you will see signs indicating that to the right is Cerro Chango.
If you want to get to Soledad Vista Hermosa, you must reach the community of Río Manso and take the deviation to the right to cross the Tesechoacán River again. Continue straight for about 4 km and you will reach your destination.
The trip from Tuxtepec is 80 kM and lasts approximately 1:40.